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Gesellschaft für technische Garne m.b.H. & Cie. KG
HRA 2775 Amtsgericht Aachen
Filament-Technik Gesellschaft für technische Garne m.b.H.
HRB 1383 Amtsgericht Aachen
CEO: Dr.-Ing. Walter Treuling
Registered office of the companies: Baesweiler
Hermann-Hollerith-Straße 13
D-52499 Baesweiler
Telefon +49 24 01 9 33 00-0
Telefax +49 24 01 9 33 00-55
Webdesign, photos and implementation: MUMBECK – Agentur für Werbung GmbH
The content of these pages is protected by copyright. Filament-Technik Gesellschaft für techn. Garne mbH & Cie. Kommanditgesellschaft
The company logo of Filament-Technik is protected by copyright. Filament-Technik is registered under HRA 2775 at the district court of Aachen. The registered office of the company is Hermann-Hollerith-Straße 13, 52499 Baesweiler.
The sales tax identification number (Ust.-IdNr.) is: DE 121731197
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